Please Consider Fostering or Adopting a Pet at this Critical Time! March 25 2020

Although the CDC has been reporting for weeks that there is zero evidence of pets catching or transmitting COVID-19, rescue shelters nationwide are still experiencing a lack of people willing to adopt or foster. Rescue dogs from abroad are especially vulnerable, as misinformation has made the public fearful.

To make matters worse, there is an influx of animals being brought to shelters as many Americans lose their financial stability and become unable to care for their pets. Our shelters are overwhelmed, and most do not have enough volunteers to keep things running smoothly. The unfortunate reality is that many dogs and cats will be euthanized during this time, since there are more displaced animals than there are spots at shelters.

As you send prayers to people and businesses across the globe, please remember to add homeless companion animals to your thoughts. If you or someone you know is in the position to adopt, or even foster a dog or cat temporarily, please reach out to your local rescue shelter. If you are unable to foster or adopt yourself, please consider donating to the Rescue Paw Foundation today to assist us in this critical life-saving mission.

Our non-profit organization directly supports boots-on-the-ground rescue workers and shelters throughout the USA. 

Patrick and Christine of Bergen County, New Jersey, welcomed rescue pup Wiley to their family on March 21, 2020.